Latest State
Jugend forscht
Thanks to


"A flexible application to create photorealistic films
and their distributed calculating in networks

On these pages we present to you a project which we submitted to the German youth competition Jugend forscht: The software package AniTMT.

We are looking for hackers which will help us implement version 3 of AniTMT!
Please contact us at, if you want to help!

Latest news:

2013-03-06 NEW! We moved all our videos to YouTube and plan to render high resolution versions soon.
2011-07-08 This homepage was moved to a new server.
2005-04-10 This homepage was moved to a new server.
2001-08-07 New version 0.1.6 with new User guide (German) - download
2001-08-01 New version 0.1.5 ready for download
2001-07-31 Next presentation will probably be SYSTEMS 2001 in Munich
2001-06-18 Hompeage update. With Linuxtag hints and many new demos
2001-01-11 New users guide in German (see docu page)
2000-11-28 Some changes in this homepage, especially the page about the SYSTEMS 2000.
2000-11-14 Some corrections to this homepage.
2000-10-16 We recieved the Konrad-Zuse-Jugendpreis of the Eduard Rhein foundation last week.
2000-09-16 New download section.
2000-09-14 We are now sure that we'll have a presentation at the Systems 2000 in Munich. (see dates)
Sept. 2000 We still need some more hackers for version 3. Do you want to help?
August 2000 There are no new versions yet, because we work on AniTMT v3 - a complete rewrite of the local system.
2000-06-03 AniTMT is now published under the GNU GPL. The sources have now GNU style.
2000-06-03 Version 0.1.3 is released now.
2000-06-03 The English pages are now completly translated. Thanks to Claudia Walter!